CCL Parser

The CCL parser is an unsupervised incremental parser based on the common cover link representation of syntactic structure. These links are similar, but not identical, to dependency links and are especially suitable for incremental parsing. The algorithm is described in:

Source code

You can download the source code of version of the parser here.

Source code history

You can find the list of changes in the Changes.txt file included with the distribution. To go back to earlier versions of the code you can use the cvs repository (the appropriate tag for each version can be found in the Changes.txt file).


The parser is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.


To install the parser, simply unpack the source at any location on your system (by using tar xvfz cclparser.src.v1.0.0.2.tar.gz) and follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file included with the distribution.

Running the parser

Instructions for using the parser are included in the Readme.txt file.

Yoav Seginer
Last modified: Fri Sep 19 12:49:39 CEST 2008